Are You and Your Breast Implants Over? Here are Your Treatment Options!
More than 300,000 women received breast implants last year alone. That number demonstrates what many people know to be true: breast augmentation continues to be one of the leading cosmetic surgery procedures in our country. Over time, trends in body-type change. Also, a woman’s perspective and image of herself may transform through the years. Finally, breast implants simply don’t last forever.
What is a woman to do when she no longer likes the look or feel of her breast implants? We want to discuss that here.
Replacement Options
A woman may consider replacing her breast implants for a number of reasons. Sometimes, the need for replacement is functional; breast implants deflate or are otherwise defective, or they shift. In such situations, new implants may be installed or existing implants repositioned. Additional reasons replacement may be considered include:
- A preference to replace smaller implants with larger implants.
- A desire to reduce implant size.
- The material initially selected for breast implants no longer suits a woman’s preferences. For example, a woman may want to transition from saline implants to silicone implants or from basic silicone implants to form-stable (“Gummy Bear”) implants.
As a leading female plastic surgeon in Silicon Valley, Dr. Rosenthal understands the various reasons patients may wish to replace breast implants. When possible, surgery may be conducted through the same incision line as the initial augmentation procedure.
Removing Breast Implants
If you no longer want breast implants, you do not have to replace those that you have currently. Breast implant removal, or explantation, is a common procedure that may be performed when a woman has a desire to return to her all-natural shape. There are options in this scenario as well. In some situations, the tissue that has expanded around breast implants may contract to an appropriately taut state. However, there are factors that may inhibit this from happening. For this reason, many patients who choose breast implant removal also choose to undergo a breast lift to redrape the tissue and skin that holds breasts in their position on the chest wall.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosenthal about breast augmentation or revision, call (408) 559-4700.